
We offer design and support services to our clients across the globe.
Service Centre – @ PEACHBLOW (Osaka, Japan)
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We have decades of experience in the design of chemical analytical instruments, systems integration and deployment for successful monitoring of indoor/outdoor environmental and process conditions. We offer services to our clients to meet their instrumentation needs.
Analytical Modules
Customized analytical modules and sensor components provide building blocks for your own instruments and monitoring systems. We will custom design and produce them and provide support for integration into your products.
Sample Handling
Our expertise in design of analytics for specific sample characteristics is extensive. Whether extractive or insitu approaches are needed, we have the experience to produce success.
Sensing Technology
We design and develop the fundamental components for sensing compounds of interest. Our expertise covers FID, PID, TCD, ECD and others. Ask us to help.
Technical Training
We provide hands on training to our partners and our clients alike. Our training sessions are customized to cover the topics of greatest interest. These sessions typically cover regulatory issues, specific types of instruments that may be applied, various monitoring approaches, applicable analytical methods , and the advantages/disadvantages of each.
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Contact Us:
Applications Uniques Taiwan LTD.
Tel: (+886) 911-103-088
Add:2 F.-4, No. 204, Sec. 5, Minsheng E. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 105064, Taiwan