Contact Us

The Merlion Speaks @ LEADMINE (Singapore)
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We welcome your comments and questions. If you would like information about our products, services or our capabilities and how we might support you, please contact us.
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Our Offices:
Longmont, Colorado, USA
Prod Dev, Manufacturing & Testing
Applications Uniques Colorado
Longmont, CO 80504, USA
Ph: (+1) 970 685 1628
Taipei, Taiwan
Prod Dev, Testing & Sales
Applications Uniques Taiwan
Taipei, Taiwan
Ph: (+886) 911 103 088
Port Vila, Vanuatu
South Pacific Home
Vanua Disen Ltd
Port Vila, Vanuatu, SW Pacific
Ph: (+678) 7741775
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Heatwave Series – PID Sensor
Rainbow Series – PID Sensor
Cyclone FID – OC Detector
Fireworks – FID Smart Sensor

You are also Welcome
to use our Online Form
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Night Scene @ TYPHOON (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
Contact Us:
Applications Uniques Taiwan LTD.
Tel: (+886) 911-103-088
Add:2 F.-4, No. 204, Sec. 5, Minsheng E. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 105064, Taiwan